Note that information provided on this site is an accumulation of survey results designed to identify potential suppliers offering to help meet national healthcare demands during the rapidly developing COVID-19 crisis and to respond to inquiries seeking information as to the availability of related services and products from individuals and companies across the nation. Neither the National Council of Textile Organizations (NCTO), the Industrial Fabrics Association International (IFAI) nor the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry (INDA)—partner organizations involved in the aforementioned survey—can be held responsible for information posted or provided by any respondent or inquirer, nor the services, final product or inputs produced, supplied or exchanged as a result of the information contained herein. Rather, the information provided is for general information purposes only and no further representations or commitments are assigned either explicitly or implicitly in regard to the information provided on this site.  Further, it is the sole responsibility of any interested party to make direct contact with parties listed within the survey. Neither NCTO, IFAI nor INDA are available nor have staff capacity to answer questions regarding the information contained on this site.


A finished good is a product that is fully sewn or otherwise assembled and is ready for use by the end-user.

Antimicrobial disposable wipesLab coats
Sterile packaging/Sterilization wrap
Blood pressure cuffsLateral air transfer mattress Surgical drapes
Body bags/transport bags (ill or deceased)Medical/surgical face masks
Surgical gowns
CotsMedical bandages
Surgical sponges
Cotton swabsMedical beds Temporary shelters
Disposable Personal Protective ApparelMedical equipment bags
Textile components of heart monitoring devices
HAZMAT suits/durable protective apparelMedical gauze
Head Covers Patient lifting systems (slings) Triage/medical tents
Healthcare-related filtration materials Patient restraint/safety straps Miscellaneous/Other
Hospital bed sheets/pillowcases Scrub suits

Hospital privacy curtains Shoe covers


An input in this context is upstream materials, such as fibers and/or resins, nonwovens, knit/woven fabrics and yarns, that is necessary for the construction of a finished good. 

Antimicrobial disposable wipesLab coats
Sterile packaging/Sterilization wrap
Blood pressure cuffsLateral air transfer mattress Surgical drapes
Body bags/transport bags (ill or deceased)Medical/surgical face masks
Surgical gowns
CotsMedical bandages
Surgical sponges
Cotton swabsMedical beds Temporary shelters
Disposable Personal Protective ApparelMedical equipment bags
Textile components of heart monitoring devices
HAZMAT suits/durable protective apparelMedical gauze
Head Covers Patient lifting systems (slings) Triage/medical tents
Healthcare-related filtration materials Patient restraint/safety straps Miscellaneous/Other
Hospital bed sheets/pillowcases Scrub suits

Hospital privacy curtains Shoe covers


Cut & Sew